Series or parallel?
When batteries are joined from positive to positive, and negative to negative, this is called parallel. Think of it as a two fences. One...

What Inverter should I buy?
Inverters take the 12 volts from your batteries and convert it to 110 volts to operate your home appliances. They come in all sizes and...

How do I charge my RV batteries?
Having a pair of deep cycle 6 volt Golf Cart batteries let's you dry camp for much longer than a single 12 volt deep cycle. Up to 4 times...

Mono or Poly. What solar panel is best?
Solar panels have come a long way. The two main types are called mono or poly. This refers to the structure and the quality of the...

How is your RV wired?
1. This is shore power 2. This is the solar panel 3. This is the charge controller 4. These are your deep cycle batteries 5. This is your...

What size wire for RV camping is best?
Electricity going through wires generates heat and that heat dissipates out of the wire losing that energy. The longer the distance of...

Solar for RV camping
A solar system set up for your RV is simple once you understand how it all works. It starts with the solar panel taking energy from the...

What solar charge controller is best?
If you are going to use solar power there are a number of things to consider. The bigger the panel, the more amps it can pass to the...

12 volts vs 24 volts
A basic camping RV does just fine at 12 volts. All of things that run on the 12 volts are designed to. The light bulbs. That small fan....

What is the best way to charge my batteries?
The people that make batteries know that lead and sulfuric acid will store electrical current. That is what batteries do. They STORE...