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What scooter should I buy?


Battery powered scooters are becoming more and more popular. You don't need a driver's licence or insurance, they are considered bicycles. They have the same rules on the road as a regular bicycle. There is no oil to check, transmission fluid to check, or things like differential fluid and so on. It must have pedals (ours all do) and you must wear a helmet.

The power of the scooter is based on it's voltage:

A 48 volt scooter has four 12 volt batteries in it. These are best on flat surfaces, with a relatively light rider.

A 72 volt scooter has six 12 volt batteries in it. These can handle hills and any size rider.

The power is also based on the wattage of the motor. In Canada they are supposed to be no more than 500 watt motors to be legal. Some are more than that, it is hard to prove what wattage they are by looking at them.

All scooters are governed at 32k an hour speed by law. The higher voltage ones can go above that with the governer disconnected.

All scooters have a range of about 50k before the batteries need recharging. Some will be a little more, some a little less, depending on the voltage of the batteries, the wattage of the motor, the size of the rider, and the terrain. The more you crack the throttle and the faster you go, the more you will use the batteries just like gas in a car.

No matter which one you choose, the batteries should be recharged after every use for maximum life. The quality of the batteries dictate the price. The least expensive general use ones go for about $50 each, and the proper scooter specific ones go for more like $90 each. These will outlast the cheap batteries by 3 or 5 times the lifespan.

Check with us for what size batteries it takes, there is a variety of sizes and prices, depending on the scooter model.

Watch for things like tire size. If it has skinny little tires, you will get more flats. Generally speaking, a bigger tire means a more robust unit.

The main components are the controller (the computer brains) the motor (in the rear wheel rated in watts) and the batteries. The controller and the motor and the batteries usually have a warranty, things like tires and lights and the rest do not.

It's a great way to go green, save on car insurance, and get around town silently and smartly.

Call or come down with any and all questions.

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